About us

NARMA Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. (Centre for Natural Resources Management, Analysis, Training and Policy Research) is a multi-disciplinary development company specialized in natural resources management, agricultural development, project management and evaluation of development projects.

After its establishment in 1996, NARMA has successfully delivered services to more than 150 projects implemented by several ministries and departments of the governments of Nepal, INGOs (LWF, Oxfam-GB, CECI-Nepal, CARE-Nepal, WWF) and NGOs (e.g. AEPC, NTNC, RRN) through the technical and financial assistance of the international development agencies including ADB, CIDA, GiZ, FAO, IFPRI, JICA, UK Aid (formerly DFID), UNDP, WB, World Bank and WFP.

With more than 20 years of incessant services in Agriculture Sector Development, Conservation of Natural Resources, Support to Poverty Reduction, Food Security and Integrated Rural Development, NARMA has been established as one of professional, independent and unbiased technical service providers in Nepal.

NARMA’s specialization lies in agriculture and natural sector policy development and analyses, decentralized service delivery, private sector development, project implementation, gender analyses, food and nutrition security, baseline surveys, mid-term evaluation, final evaluation and impact assessment.

NARMA’ portfolio includes implementation of several public sector policies and development projects designed through its technical assistance and services.

What has made NARMA different from other service providers in Nepal and remain competitive over the years is because of its competency and

  • professional, independent and unbiased services and assistance;
  • timely and quality services to the clients;
  • application of modern information and communication technologies;
  • taking full ownership to any assigned projects/tasks notwithstanding to size and scale;
  • remain accountable to the clients; and
  • deep understanding on Nepal’s diverse geography, socio-economic conditions, development opportunities and challenges.